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Hateful optimists and loving pessimists Kat Angus and Jocelyn Geddie break down movies and TV shows that they totally despise ... but also really adore at the same time. With the occasional confused special guest! IHIBILI everyone.     

Produced by Andrew Ivimey for the The From Superheroes Network

Winner: Best Comedy Podcast (2019), Best Host in a Series (2020), People's Choice Award (2021), Canadian Podcast Awards
Nominated: Best Television & Film Podcast (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) and People's Choice Award for Best Podcast in Canada (2019), Canadian Podcast Awards.
Nominated: Best Television & Film Podcast (2021), The Podcast Awards.



Oct 25, 2017

Grab your video camera and your childhood crush, cause we're talking about J.J. Abrams' Super 8! Kat and Jocelyn delve into this Stranger Things wannabe (that came out before Stranger Things), chatting about Elle Fanning's perfect performance, whether or not Joe is secretly a murderer, and what the monster gets up to...

Oct 18, 2017

We've... seen things... you people wouldn't believe. And we're talking about them on the podcast, cause this week, we're doing Blade Runner! Kat and Jocelyn delve into Ridley Scott's masterpiece, discussing the wonders of Rutger Hauer, the ridiculousness of Daryl Hannah's flips, and of course, that infamous...

Oct 11, 2017

SAMMMMYYYYY! Grab an ice cold brew and your dad's demon-killing gun because today, we're talking about Supernatural! Alongside super special guest Lauren Strapagiel, Kat and Jocelyn chat about the amazing fan community, the insanity of the plotlines, God's sister, and how Dean's SUPER STRAIGHT. Completely straight....

Oct 4, 2017

The fashion! The quips! The wildly regressive views on women who commit themselves to their career! Put on your Jimmy Choos (and then take them off because c'mon, those are comfortable, you deserve better than that) because we're talking about The Devil Wears Prada! Kat and Jocelyn have a cathartic rant about this...