Aug 30, 2017
A Lannister always pays his debts... and a Kat and Jocelyn always share their conflicting opinions. This week, we're tackling the seventh season of Game of Thrones (with some discussion of the rest of the series) alongside very special guests Ian and Jen MacIntyre! Together, we discuss troubling storylines, jet-powered...
Aug 23, 2017
Buckle up, y'all, cause Kat and Jocelyn are diving into J.J. Abrams' critically whatevered sequel Star Trek: Into Darkness! We ponder such matters as whether or not Benedict Cumberbatch is secretly an otter, discuss Jocelyn's absolute loathing of secrets, and talk about the WORLD'S WORST PLOT TWIST OH MY GOD.
Aug 16, 2017
Films are like a box of chocolates: sometimes they age really badly and get that weird white waxy stuff all over them and you're like "bleh, gross." This week, we're talking about the 1994 "masterpiece" FORREST GUMP, which-- spoiler alert-- has not aged well. Joined by very special guest Adam Nayman, we discuss...
Aug 9, 2017
Put on a kilt and develop an impenetrable Russian accent, because we're tackling the 2014 epic flop (yet surprisingly enjoyable) VAMPIRE ACADEMY! With the help of our special guest Sarah Hagi, we navigate the twists and turns of this truly confusing film, touching on weird vampire mythology, the worst romantic lead...
Aug 2, 2017
This week, Kat and Jocelyn get real silly talking about the 1997 Luc Besson masterpiece/flaming pile of crazy THE FIFTH ELEMENT! We talk about the true bummer that is Leeloo, the confusingness that is the plot, try to remember what aliens were named what, and a certain terrible executive makes his grand return to the...