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Hateful optimists and loving pessimists Kat Angus and Jocelyn Geddie break down movies and TV shows that they totally despise ... but also really adore at the same time. With the occasional confused special guest! IHIBILI everyone.     

Produced by Andrew Ivimey for the The From Superheroes Network

Winner: Best Comedy Podcast (2019), Best Host in a Series (2020), People's Choice Award (2021), Canadian Podcast Awards
Nominated: Best Television & Film Podcast (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) and People's Choice Award for Best Podcast in Canada (2019), Canadian Podcast Awards.
Nominated: Best Television & Film Podcast (2021), The Podcast Awards.



Feb 24, 2021

Do an awkward riff on a Hitchhiker but it's okay cause later you're gonna do the LIFT OF ALL LIFTS cause we're talking about Dirty Dancing! Kat and Jocelyn discuss whether or not Johnny's okay (he's not), how awkward it would be to walk in on your roommates lipsyncing on the floor, and Jocelyn accidentally reveals...

Feb 17, 2021

Accidentally put your foot in your mouth in front of the leader of the free world cause we're talking about The American President! Kat and Jocelyn discuss charming ratatat dialogue, how Aaron Sorkin movies are "preparedness porn", and Jocelyn unveils her sweet baboo Jon Blair's impression of this film.

Brought to you...

Feb 10, 2021

Climb a ferris wheel and scream at a stranger until she agrees to date you under duress, cause we're talking about The Notebook! Kat and Jocelyn discuss the charm of the elderly couple in this film, the non-charm of the younger couple in this film (despite their nuts chemistry), and how we were all secretly into Sean...

Feb 3, 2021

Destroy a priceless piece of art because -- who cares! you're rich! tra-la! - and swan off in a series of monochromatic knits cause we're talking about The Thomas Crown Affair! Kat and Jocelyn discuss white men who never face consequences for their actions (and... hate art?), Rene Russo being hot as hell, and what might...